Who is The Kabbalist?

As I pride myself as highly valued natural Clairvoyant  - gifted this talent (since birth) from Hashem. What I can personally offer you call for a Private one on one Consultation from my home with me is a very honest, truthful look of what I can see -

The purpose is to keep my clients down to earth., grounded, and to have a clear sense of  their reality through actualisation of spiritual and esoteric knowledge from my descendants of Sages. 



What does The Kabbalist Provide?


Astronomy with thorough knowledge on your Birth Chart, messages for missing people, Clairvoyance for missing lost love ones & learning how to find your Twin Souls : Soulmates.

The best Knowledge on Meditation & Candle Healing 

General knowledge of free will/Re-incarnation 

Spiritual paths and missionary messages




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